HelpPay is making helping easier by providing you with a secure and easy way to give and get help on bills. 

How does it work?

  1. Scan your bill or upload your bill's BPAY details
  2. Send a shareable link to friends and family
  3. Allow others to easily & securely contribute to your bill, with all payments going directly to the Provider
  4. Easily view who you have asked for help and who has contributed to your bill, with instant updates. 

HelpPay benefits:

  • Upload any bill with BPAY
  • Manage all your bills in one central app
  • Easily & securely share your bills for help, to anyone
  • Store your payment and help history
  • Simplify the payment process for those contributing to your bill
  • Give Helpers peace of mind, as their contributions go straight to the Provider
  • Receive instant updates when someone has contributed to your bill
  • Receive instant confirmation & receipts
  • Only the complete necessary details of a bill are shared and therefore, Helper’s and Customer’s personal information are kept private

To learn more about getting started with HelpPay, visit Getting started with HelpPay