The Bills page in HelpPay contains all of your uploaded and automatically populated bills (achieve automatically populated bills by connecting your existing HelpPay account with an Integrated Provider). 

When seeking help for your bills, the most important page is the Bills page. All your bills will display their essential bill information, from when your bill is due, how much is owed, who has contributed, and who you have asked for help is all viewed here. 

Under Bills, you can do the following:

  • Add new bills by scanning your bill or uploading your BPAY details. Using BPAY details ensures that all bills are legitimate and that any contributions made, go directly to the Provider.
  • Easily share your bill with a secure link to anyone or share your bills directly with your HelpPay contacts.
  • View and manage all your bills in one central location.
  • Easily identify upcoming bills, paid and overdue bills.
  • Bill amounts owed are instantly updated when contributions are made.
  • View who has contributed to your bill and how much 

Overdue tab

In the top left-hand corner of the Bills page, you will see the Overdue tab. Here you will find all of your bills unpaid bills that have a due date in the past. Once this bill has been fully paid, then you can find the bill under the Paid tab. 

Upcoming tab

The Upcoming tab is the default page you will see when selecting Bills from the bottom menu. This is where you can add your bills and see all bills with upcoming due dates. Paid bills with an upcoming due date will show here until the due date has past, where the bill will then be moved to the Paid tab. 

Paid tab

Here you can view all of your previously paid bills. You can click on each bill to check who contributed to the bill and how much.