The Help Others page has everything you need to make a contribution to someone else's bill. On this page, you can view help requests, amounts due, due date, the bill Provider, and make payments to this bill directly from the HelpPay app.

Under 'Help Others', you can do the following:

  • View all the bills that are shared with you for help
  • Accept or deny requested help for bills
  • Help others with their bill/s by making payments towards their bill
  • View all the essential information of their bill, like the due date, the Provider, how much is owed, and how long ago they requested your help
  • Bills from Providers that are automatically shared, will be shown here

Once the shared bill is paid:

If you have contributed to someone's bill through the 'Help Others' page, you will be able to see how much you have contributed to that bill at a glance. You can make as many contributions as you like until the bill is fully paid.