Why HelpPay

We know that financial hardship is not uncommon and acute financial hardship can hit anyone. That's why we believe in simplifying the process of asking for and receiving help. Allowing people to share their bills with others for help, means the lights stay on, hot water is available and the stress and anxiety of overdue bills are reduced. 

HelpPay is making helping easier by providing you a secure and easy way to get help paying your bills and help others pay theirs.

How HelpPay works

Download the HelpPay App on your Apple or Android or create an account via HelpPay Web (web-browser version of HelpPay) at helppay.app.

  1. Log into HelpPay via the HelpPay App or HelpPay Web
  2. Upload your bill's BPAY details
  3. HelpPay will generate a unique shareable link that can be shared with anyone via any messaging platform, share your bill with friends and family, those who are willing to help or you can join HelpPay's Facebook Helping Community page and you can share your bill link as a post in the group so others can click on it and help you if they are able. To join our Facebook Helping Community page, click here
  4. Anyone with the bill link can contribute to your bill in an easy & secure way, with all payments going to the billing provider and never to a personal account
  5. Easily view who has contributed and how much within your HelpPay account

There are 3 groups of people we refer to when talking about HelpPay: 

  1. Customers 
  2. Helpers
  3. Providers

A Customer is a person who is using HelpPay to seek help for their bills and may be using HelpPay to manage all of their bills in one place. 

A Helper refers to a person who is contributing to someone else's bill. A person can be a Helper and a Customer at the same time, as you may be requesting help from others one time and may be contributing to someone else's bill another time. 

A Provider refers to the company where bills are coming from. This could be your utility company, the school your kids go to, or your healthcare provider etc. 

Key features and benefits of HelpPay

  • Upload any bill with BPAY
  • Manage all your bills in one central HelpPay App or use HelpPay Web
  • Get credit card points when making a payment towards your own or someone else's bill
  • Easily & securely share your bills for help, with anyone
  • Store your payment and help history
  • Simplify the payment process for those contributing to your bill
  • Give Helpers peace of mind, as their contributions go straight to the Provider 
  • Receive instant updates when someone has contributed to your bill
  • Receive instant confirmation and receipts when payments are made
  • Only the completely necessary details of a bill are shared and therefore, Helper's and Customer's personal information are kept private
  • Payments to credit cards will be seen as a purchase and therefore, depending on your bank you may receive points

HelpPay app overview

In the HelpPay app, you have 4 main tabs:

  1. Bills
  2. Help Others
  3. Contacts
  4. Profile 

Each tab has a specific purpose to make helping easier.


When seeking help for your bills, the most important page is the Bills page. Bills have all your essential bill information, from when your bill is due, how much is owed, who has contributed, and who you have asked for help is all viewed here. 

Under Bills, you can do the following:

  • Add new bills by scanning your bill or uploading your BPAY details. Using BPAY details ensures that all bills are legitimate and that any contributions made, go directly to the Provider
  • Easily share your bill with a secure link to anyone or share your bills directly with your HelpPay contacts
  • View and manage all your bills in one central location
  • Easily identify upcoming bills, paid and overdue bills
  • Bill amounts owed are instantly updated when contributions are made



Help Others

When helping others with their bills, the Help Others page has everything you need to make a contribution. See help requests, amounts due, due date, the bill Provider, and make payments to their bill directly from the HelpPay app.

Under Help Others, you can do the following:

  • View all the bills that are shared with you for help
  • Accept or deny requested help for bills
  • Help others with their bill/s by making payments toward their bill
  • View all the essential information of their bill, like the due date, the Provider, how much is owed, and how long ago they requested your help
  • Bills from Providers that are automatically shared, will be shown here




The Contacts page has all of your HelpPay contacts. From here, you can add contacts, view your current contacts and delete contacts. 

Under Contacts, you can do the following:

  • Add connections (contacts) within HelpPay
  • Send connection requests directly or with a shareable link
  • Accept or deny connection requests
  • View your pending connection requests



Your Profile is the go-to for your Account details, managing notification settings, seeking support, and adding payment methods that you can save and use when you make your next payment through HelpPay.

Under Profile, you can do the following:

  • Update your account details
  • Enable biometric login
  • Manage all of your notification settings 
  • Add and save payment methods
  • Access various support options
  • View our Privacy Policy and Terms of use 
  • and more!