Diverting payments with Bill Upload:
When a Customer uploads their own bill, the Customer must enter a valid BPAY biller code and reference number. We use BPAY APIs to ensure that all details are correct and valid. Therefore, it is not possible for a Customer to divert payments made, to their own accounts. All payments made towards this bill will go directly to the Provider of that bill.
Diverting payments to a bill from an Integrated Provider:
An Integrated Provider is a company that has connected to HelpPay through our Open API's. This means that when a Customer receives a bill within HelpPay, from an Integrated Provider, this bill is directly from the Provider. When a user joins HelpPay, we ask them to connect their HelpPay account to an account they have with other companies/ Providers and verify this account. Therefore, Users of HelpPay cannot enter their own bank account details into a bill. All payments made, will go directly to the Provider of that bill.