This includes your name, date of birth, address and phone number.

It is important that your personal information is always up-to-date. We will send you notifications on upcoming due bills, contributions made to your bill by others, requests from others for help on their bills and connection requests to your email. Your phone number is used as your unique identifier to you and your account. 

To update your phone number:

  1. Log into HelpPay
  2. Go to Profile
  3. Select Update my mobile number
  4. Enter your new phone number then click send code
  5. Enter the verification code you will receive
  6. Select verify number

To update your profile details:

  1. Log into HelpPay
  2. Go to Profile
  3. Select Update my details 
  4. Update your personal information
  5. Select Update profile to confirm

Unfortunately you cannot currently update your email address for your account. If you want to update you email address please contact support via [email protected]